Studying in America

With the Dual Diploma Program you can attend a US high school from your home country

The courses follow the US ministerial curricula and all teachers are certified by the Florida Department of Education.

With the Dual Diploma Program you will study in America directly from your room! Discover the advantages of an American diploma and get one online. - 1

School in the United States

Would you like to find out what the differences between high school in your home country and in the US are? The Dual Diploma Program enables you to attend both!

With the Dual Diploma Program you will study in America directly from your room! Discover the advantages of an American diploma and get one online. - 2

High school: your year abroad

You can continue attending the Dual Diploma Program online if you choose to spend a study period abroad.

With the Dual Diploma Program you will study in America directly from your room! Discover the advantages of an American diploma and get one online. - 3

SAT Test

Dual Diploma students can prepare for the SAT test (Scholastic Aptitude Test) for college admission by selecting this subject as an elective course.

With the Dual Diploma Program you will study in America directly from your room! Discover the advantages of an American diploma and get one online. - 4

Unversity abroad

Is studying in an American College your lifelong dream? Having a US Dual Diploma in your application will give you better chances of being selected.