Festeggiamo il Siblings Day con Alessandra e Isabella!

10 Aprile, 2022

siblings day -doppiodiploma

Oggi si celebra il National Siblings Day negli US, una festa che ha origine nella tradizione Hindu. Nata come celebrazione per onorare il legame tra fratelli e sorelle aveva il nome di Raksha Bandhan e una serie di tradizioni simboliche da rispettare focalizzate su una delle relazioni più importanti che una persona può sperimentare nella vita.

Anche noi del Doppio Diploma vogliamo festeggiare il Siblings Day raccontandovi una delle tante testimonianze di fratelli che hanno preso parte insieme al programma diventando studenti della Mater Academy.

Quella che condividiamo è l’esperienza di Isabella e Alessandra, che hanno scelto di condividere cosa significhi per loro essere sorelle!

Le abbiamo intervistate per te!

  • Ciao ragazze, presentatevi brevemente a tutti i colleghi doppiodiplomini

Isabella: Well, I’m 23, and now I’m studying and living in London, while working as a music promoter representative for independent and more established artists.

Alessandra: I’m 18, so I’m the youngest, and I’m still in my final year at high school studying languages. But I’m planning to move to Ireland for university from September.

  • In che cosa vi somigliate e in cosa vi sentite diverse?

Isabella: We have two completely different personalities, I’m more of an extrovert, and I like to plan things, while Alessandra’s reflective and quiet. But she wasn’t like that, I swear, it was the other way around!

Alessandra: We have the same sense of humour, we’re both creative people, but annoyingly we have a similar taste in clothes. That means I’m missing some shirts at the moment!

  • Quale è stato il vostro corso preferito?

Alessandra: Another thing that we share in terms of likes is that we both enjoyed ‘Life Management Skills’ when doing the DD, because you learn real-life topics, which is a thing that is not usually discussed at high school in Italy. Plus, all the projects were different and creative.

  • Vi siete mai aiutate con i compiti del DD?

Isabella: We never helped each other with homework because some assignments and modules were updated throughout the years, and also by the time Alessandra started, I was living in the UK, and it was a bit trickier.

  • Quali sono i vostri piani per il futuro? Il Doppio Diploma li ha influenzati?

Isabella: To be fair, I’m already working in the field I like, since I’m working in the live music industry managing concerts all over London. But I have to say that the decision of studying abroad came from one project I had to submit for the DD, so yeah it surely influenced my plans.

Alessandra: For me the DD, most specifically the experience in Miami, definitely helped me in the decision of studying abroad after high school. So, university is the plan for my near future, and after that I hope to work in drama and theatre, which is what I’ll be studying in September.

Isabella e Alessandra descrivono così il loro rapporto:

“Sisterhood is hard, because you can’t really choose your siblings, but to be honest we were lucky, it could have gone a lot worse.

Our relationship started out great… We were fighting all the time, pranking each other, and general things kids do when they are young. And of course, the age difference was perceived more back then, even though five years now don’t seem like a lot. Also, because our routines differed from one another, “problems” were different, and we didn’t have many common grounds and shared interests, it felt like we were living on two different planets.

Now that we’ve grown up, though, we understand each other better, and our relationship definitely improved, also because we have similar views on what we want from life. Because of this, we can advise each other better, and mean it, or just be there to listen if we can’t think of a solution.

Maybe the reason why we noticed such a big change is because we are apart most of the times, living in two different countries, and only seeing each other maybe for the holidays. The downside to this is that we don’t talk as much because we are busy all the time, but when we do, it is even more special.

So, that’s what sisterhood means to us: even though time goes by, the relationship doesn’t deteriorate, but instead it gets better and potentially even stronger.

Our sisterhood is based upon these essential qualities like emotional support, trust, and protection. As well as being a role model for one another and never feeling alone, you also know that there’s always someone to lean on. Plus, it means complete acceptance for what and who your sibling is, flaws and merits.

For us, it’s like having a friend you can’t lose.”

Ringraziamo Alessandra e Isabella per aver raccontato con tanto entusiasmo la loro storia.

Hai anche tu fratelli o sorelle? Come ti trovi con loro? E come festeggerai il Siblings Day?


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