Per la festa della mamma quest’anno abbiamo pensato di condividere con voi la testimonianza di Camilla.
è una nostra studentessa che ha scoperto anche con l’aiuto della mamma la passione per la lettura. Siamo orgogliosi di avere tra le nostre fila tanti studenti talentuosi e tanti genitori che fanno il tifo per loro. In particolare oggi vogliamo evidenziare l’importanza delle mamme che accompagnano i nostri studenti alla scoperta delle proprie infinite potenzialità.
Camilla e la sua dedica
The relationship I have with my mum has always been special. When I was a child one of the things I looked forward to the most during the day was the time after dinner, when my mum would read me a story. This is one of the main reasons why nowadays I am a massive reader, and I will never thank her enough.
People say that we are pretty similar for both the features and the character, but we are a bit different.
She is always happy and smiling, I love to say that her laugh is like the spring sun: you never get tired of it. Another thing I really appreciate about my mum is that she is so smart, and full of confidence. She works in close contact with people, and she always knows what to say and how to get respected. She is one of the strongest women I know, and I really respect her for that.
The lessons I learned
My parents and especially my mum really helped me develop an interest regard knowing things and being curious, not only in school but also during my everyday life.
For example, we have always travelled a lot, and this allowed me to get to know other cultures and to explore the world around me. My mum taught me to always respect other people, and this is amazing. Another thing is that she introduced me to the world of art (any kind of art, from music to painting and even ballet or books) and I really owe her for showing me such a beautiful expression of feeling and humanity.
When I first started thinking about the dual-diploma program, I was not really sure if I would take on this challenge, but she really encouraged me to participate by giving me security and standing next to me in every situation.
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