Come saprai il Doppio Diploma prevede la frequenza di sei corsi con la nostra high school USA, la Mater Academy di Miami. Tra questi corsi ce ne sono alcuni obbligatori e alcuni a scelta dello studente, che chiamiamo Elective Courses.
Sei preparato sui nostri corsi a scelta?
In fase di iscrizione hai dovuto inserire il tuo elective course con cui cominciare il DD a partire da Febbraio. Potevi scegliere tra
- psychology: In questo corso si comprendono i principi fondamentali, gli elementi e i fenomeni associati ai diversi rami della psicologia.
- criminology: Si esplora lo studio della mente del crimine, ipotizzando spiegazioni dei casi, dal punto di vista psicologico, biologico e sociologico.
- life management skills: lo scopo è di preparare gli studenti a compiere scelte efficaci per la propria vita.
Se sei ancora indeciso sull’elective perfetto per te hai tempo fino al 18 gennaio per cambiare idea sul tuo corso, mandandoci una mail su info@materdoppiodiploma.it
Proprio per aiutarti nella scelta del corso, un nostro doppio diplomino, ha pensato di condividere con te il suo suggerimento.
Gabriele ha scelto come elective course Life Management Skills e se n’è innamorato. Scopri perchè:
Are you having a hard time choosing your elective course? This article is for you!
Have you ever wondered whether a school subject could change your life? Life Management & Skill is just such a subject, and you can choose it as an elective course!
During the second semester of my last school year, my first year as a dual diploma student, I received an email about elective courses. I had to choose one for the coming school year. I am the type of person who always wants to try new things. So I had to analyze what I would prefer to do. The email included a brief description of every course. As I read through them, I got more and more uncertain about which course to choose. To clear my mind, I asked other students who were attending particular courses for information and opinions, which turned out useful. I had to choose a course that would make me want to do the assignments. Since I’m passionate about personal improvement and growth—I read no end of this kind of book—I finally decided on Life Management & Skill.
In Life Management & Skill, the main subject is personal growth: every task focuses on discovering new things about yourself and on providing the basis for a successful life.
When I started the course, I was very excited. I was soon learning a lot of things that helped me to successfully organize weekly tasks and analyze personal situations. Once I had an assignment about setting SMART goals. I wanted to set goals to be pursued during my basketball training because I felt like I needed a new challenge, and what I learned from a classroom assignment was crucial. Also, at first, I had a hard time organizing good study schedules. But what I learned from another assignment about creating a study plan revolutionized my approach to study sessions.
I think that Life Management & Skill is a very valuable course. Around the clock, it encourages you to challenge yourself. If you find this kind of thing appealing, I suggest that you enroll. You won’t regret it!
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