Auguri di buone feste dallo staff del Doppio Diploma!

24 Dicembre, 2021

Anche in questi giorni di festa noi dello Staff del Doppio Diploma continuiamo a pensare ai nostri studenti, a cui mandiamo i nostri migliori auguri!

E’ un privilegio e un onore essere al fianco dei ragazzi e delle loro famiglie. Ci stringiamo pertanto idealmente a tutta la famiglia del Programma Doppio Diploma. Ci auspichiamo che trascorriate delle serene festività e che possiate ricaricare le vostre energie per lo spettacolare anno che ci aspetta insieme!

Il direttore del Programma, Richard Collins vi manda i suoi più calorosi auguri dedicandovi queste righe:

Dear Students,

With immense holiday joy I reach out to each and every one of you to say loudly how proud we are of you. I have just spent the last few days talking to several teachers and directors back in Miami and the message is the same in every conversation. “We love our Italian DD students, they are courteous, kind, curious, dedicated, bright … and the list goes on. From our offices of our Lets Get Inspired series in Las Vegas Ralph Krauss incessantly praises the intelligence and conduct of Italian students.
It goes without saying, yet I will, that the Doppio Diploma staff in Verona is not only enthusiastically proud of you but is sentimentally attached to you. Our offices in Verona have the feel of a home and there is no better time to celebrate our home and the sense of belonging than this wonderful time of year. I want to leave you with a final message as we exit 2021. Take this special time of year to renew and reinvigorate the act of “giving”.  Do not think about the gifts you hope to receive but ponder and act upon all forms of giving. Give of your time to those less fortunate, spend time with the elderly and treasure their experience, visit a friend you have missed, help your younger siblings with their homework, be kind to all, lend a helping hand whenever you can, communicate with a smile and listen with curiosity… Happy Holidays to each and every one of you and to all your dear ones.
Richard Collins

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